feinstaubnode is a citizen science project measuring air quality (PM2.5/PM10) and temperature/humidity based on luftdaten.info.

The idea behind the luftdaten.info project is to enable communites across Germany to measure air quality using cheap off-the-shelf components and visualize them in an interactive map.

Basic ingredients of a luftdaten node are: NodeMCU V3 (ESP8266), SDS011 (laser based air quality measurement), DHT22 (temperature/humidity sensor), PVC sewage pipes and some jumper wires.

As I am not happy with jumper wires flapping in the breeze or having a PVC pipe hanging on my balcony, I opted to create a PCB and use a proper enclosure. I also used this opportunity to try out KiCAD for the first time - quite an adventure switching from Eagle. Even though this is the simplest board ever, I managed to srew up the RX/TX mapping. Luckily it can be fixed by switching the wires in the cable connecting the SDS module with the board.

One node will be installed at my workplace and offers realtime data here: Air Quality and Temperature/Humidity

See https://github.com/kiu/feinstaubnode for Bill Of Materials, KiCAD/Gerber files and more.